The sugar addiction – A doughnut story
So you see the doughnut, and you have to have it - right! Come on how can resist. Your mouth is watering, and the eyes are dilating, this doughnut so beautiful, with all the artificial [...]
Fitness training for Women
Fіtnеss Fоr Wоmеn Ноw Ехеrсіsеs Веnеfіt Yоu Іt іs nоt mоrе а nеws tо us whеn wе tеll us thаt rеgulаr ехеrсіsе іs іmроrtаnt fоr fіtnеss, but vеrу fеw оf us dо іt. Еvеn whеn [...]
Why you should use our BoomX Fitness Hybrid system
Are you ready to take your fitness to the X level with BoomX “Hybrid training offers you the best of everything I have to offer to make sure you achieve your goals. We work [...]
Train with free weights or your body weight?
The dated question is which workout is best wights or body weight workouts? The fact you are doing anything is good news, but what is more efficient ? Either way, did you know that Americans [...]
Simple principles for your next workout
If you don't challenge your muscles they lose muscle (atrophy) at a rate of approximately half pound a year. That adds up to 5 pounds a decade of muscle loss, and some people can [...]
Top 5 mistakes every gym member makes
Having a unrealistic goal or unreachable goal. Be sure to set you goals small, so you achieve small victories. Electronics - If though electronics bring us music and fitness apps, be careful about texting, phone [...]
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of training to help achieve your fitness goals